18 April 2015
We're happy to announce that we'll be guests of
DI'Gay Project DGP
the meetup will take place in a little theater at
Piazza Giovanni da Triora, 15
Garbatella in Roma
admission 4:30 pm - start 5:00 pm
there's limited space
Please Order your Free Ticket for the Rome meetup By sending a request to
please tell Them if you can't make it so that They can give the ticket to someone else
you won't be able to join the meetup without a ticket !!
One Ticket per person !
by agreeing to attend the meetup, you are also agreeing to being filmed and the possibility of having your likeness appear on YouTube.
in order to give you a chance to get to know DGP (Di'Gay Project) better, here's a translation of their goals from their website (gli obiettivi):
Many of the common prejudices stem from misinformation and ignorance about the life of homosexuals, transsexuals and bisexuals and the difficulties they have to face.
Sometimes many of these prejudices are made by the same homosexuals who live their own sexuality with a sense of guilt not accepting their own uniqueness. Homosexuality does not mean diversity. Every human being is different in its uniqueness and in this respect we made ours the Feminist idea of cultivating our differences
• The promotion of activities, campaigns, volunteer projects, practical solidarity, construction and defense of human rights, assistance to the victims of social exclusion and discrimination of all kinds;
• the promotion of activities of an educational, cultural, social and political awareness, information and education of topics that are dear to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender / transsexual community
These activities are intended to affirm the principles:
• peace and nonviolence;
• the fight against all forms of discrimination against ethnic, religious, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Di'Gay Project - DGP is an association of social pacifists, non-partisan, non-violent and democratic that actively opposes all forms of discrimination against minorities, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) but also ethnic and religious.
DGP stems from a new sensibility that aims to foster the growth of a society in which LGBTQI people live visible and integrated, without prejudice. We are attentive to the political and social situation; we try to leave behind stereotypes and promote discussion groups on a wide range of topics, while maintaining a cross-disciplinary and thematic policy that guarantees pluralism and free expression. This meaning of transversality is the founding spirit of DGP.
text courtesy of Di'Gay, translation courtesy of Luca and Sabine
Q & A meetup
1. How do I get a ticket?
please send a message to segreteria(at)digayproject(dot)org together with your name.
2. I'm coming with a companion. Does he/she need a ticket as well?
yes, everyone needs a ticket. You won't be able to join the meetup without a ticket.
3. I have a ticket but can't make it to the meetup. What should I do?
please send a message to segreteria(at)digayproject(dot)org so that the ticket can be given to someone on the waiting list.
images from top to bottom: Moyan Brenn (CC Attrib.No.Deriv./Flickr - his homepage), Danilo Martarelli