create footsteps and find friends on the way
The journey
Waymark 5
Thinkerbellum on youtube
Waymark 3
Will and RJ (shep689, TheNotAdam), Nic and Ken (soundlyawake, RuleOfYum), Miles Jai (MilesJaiProductions) and Jake Bley (TheDairyOfJake) took a trip to Europe in April 2015. The aim was to promote cross-cultural friendships that will last a lifetime and hopefully lend support to those who need it most.
waymark 1
What if people looking for LGBT topics on Youtube were able to find them in their own language? Well, this simple idea was realized in February 2013 and since then, it has spread like wildfire. Dozens of translators from all over the world joined forces and helped to bring these videos to questioning and closeted youth around the world, from countries with thriving gay communities to ones without as much support.
featured languages so far: English, Spanish, German, Polish, Italian, Portugese, Chinese, Dutch, Slovenian, Hungarian, Hindi, French, Hebrew, Sinhala, Russian, Finnish, Greek, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Indonesian, Tagalog, Japanese, Czech, Arabic, Persian.
Waymark 4
Across Nations
Waymark 2
In the summer of 2014, Will and RJ from shep689 hit Europe for the first time. Over a period of a couple of weeks, they met 1,000 subscribers in Frankfurt, London, Dublin, Porto, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam and Prague, every moment documented on the YouTube channel "shep689". It was an intercultural and international exchange of the LGBT scene and an amazing experience.
pictures from top to bottom:
Jared Tarbell (CC/Flickr), Sabine